By Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
For the sake of our children, read on…
By Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
By Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
Balancing Underlying Contributing Causes
Blending Ancient Tradition With Modern Technology
By Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
Alternative Ways To Vaccinate Your Children
By Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
I receive numerous calls each week from parents either with a newly diagnosed child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, parents who are dissatisfied with the traditional medical view that Autism cannot be treated, or from parents with children with Autism-like symptoms who have not received any diagnosis. The ages of the children vary. Regardless of your situation, it can be shocking, confusing and frightening to be faced with one of these situations. For nearly a decade now, we have continued to see promising progress with each child we have worked with. The extent of the progress varies, as do the combinations and degree of symptoms each child presents with. However, without a doubt, THERE IS MUCH THAT CAN BE DONE to improve immunity, organ function, speech capability, cognition and social skills. The younger the child is when we begin our program, the better. It is not a rapid process, but the progress with nearly every child is visible month to month. I encourage you read the “Testimonial” section of this web site, not because I am praised, but because it is my genuine wish that the parents’ stories written in their own words will give you hope and education.
I follow the Defeat Autism Now approach, as well as include gentle yet specific detoxification of the triggers your child tests positive for. In essence, the Defeat Autism Now approach is based on discovering underlying causes and addressing them in as healthy a way as possible. You will learn more about this in the following articles, but our non-invasive testing allows us to discover organ functioning levels, inflammation, gut dysbiosis, nutrient depletions, and trigger toxins (such as metals, yeast, vaccinations, allergens, viruses, bacteria, and much more), We have a substantial pharmacy in our clinic of organic, pharmaceutical grade products ranging from homeopathics, botanicals and blends, to probiotics, nutrients, phenolics and more. We seek to be as child-friendly as possible with the corrective programs we suggest. We are also fortunate to have a number of superb labs and companies that formulate organic compounds specifically for health needs with Autism and developmental delays.
If Autism is new in your family life, at our clinic we understand the complexities and challenges involved for the child, for siblings, and certainly for parents and extended family. It is because of this that we take time and care with you, to support you, educate you and be available for questions and concerns in between appointments. A number of parents of children I work with are generously available for conversation and guidance with various kinds of social therapies and support in general.
Please read the following articles on Autism, which have been printed across the United States.
Blessings to you and your family,
Dr. Janine Romaner, Naturopathic Doctor
For the sake of our children, read on…
By Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder are primarily visible in all facets of behavioral and learning disabilities. However, because there are also a number of chronic physical weaknesses and deficiencies, there can be extensive positive changes developmentally and socially by improving the physical health of your child. There may be a hereditary predisposition to Autism which can be triggered by hazardous neurotoxins ingested or injected, originating from environmental and other sources.
The incidence of Autism has increased to epidemic proportions. In the US alone Autism cases have exploded from 1 in 10,000 in 1985 to 1 in approximately 60 today. California alone reports a 273 percent increase since 1988. Having worked extensively with children diagnosed with Aspbergers (mild Autism), Autism or various developmental delay syndromes, I am convinced that Autism is largely an iatrogenic condition. “Iatrogenic” means treatment induced. Increasingly there is evidence that childhood vaccinations can pose a serious risk when administered to an infant or baby, and can trigger the onset of Autism. Unfortunately, this topic is riddled with politics and financial implications.
Childhood Vaccinations
Vaccines are injections that contain weakened amounts of the disease germ the injection is meant to protect against. The premise is that this stimulates the body to produce antibodies, or proteins that defend the body from an invasion by harmful germs. The idea of vaccines to prevent disease can be traced back to 1796.
In 1943 Leo Kanner (child psychologist) announced his discovery of 11 cases of a new mental disorder, shortly thereafter known as Autism. As stated by Neil Miller in VACCINES, ARE THEY REALLY SAFE & EFFECTIVE? “These first cases of autism in the United States occurred at a time when the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine was becoming increasingly available. By the 1950s and 1960s, parents from all over the country were seeking help for their autistic children. The growing numbers of children suffering from this new illness directly coincided with the growing popularity of the mandated vaccination programs during these same years…
“The same correlations between autism and childhood vaccination programs may be found in other countries as well.”
Parents are often told that nothing can be done other than putting their child on drugs. THIS IS NOT TRUE. When the underlying triggers, weaknesses and deficiencies are identified through tests, and are addressed, we repeatedly see improvement in the child’s learning ability, speech, social skills, immune system function and overall physical and emotional health. The younger the child begins treatment, the better. Some of my patients have even had their “Autism” diagnosis removed by their former medical doctor. Most Autistic children have also sadly experienced much fear and invasion in health practitioners’ offices, and seldom are treated like the beautiful Beings they are. So it is understandable that they would tense in fear, anticipating being pricked or having to ingest medications that can have harmful side effects. However, it is very possible, as we have witnessed, for the children to enjoy returning for health-care appointments. This is made probable when they are in an atmosphere of support and fun, when their whole lives and family situation are seen as an integral part of the picture, and when they are able to be tested non-invasively without pain associated. Lastly, when they begin to feel better, this adds creative momentum to the process.
Speech Loss and the Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine
Dozens of mothers have brought their children in for an initial appointment and said, “My child lost his/her speech right after the MMR vaccine.” Coincidence? Let me give you some information, and you decide. From THE NATURAL MEDICINE GUIDE TO AUTISM, by Stephanie Marohn: “Age 15 to 18 months is when children get the MMR vaccination. So, just at the time when they are experiencing maximum cranial growth and development, especially in the speech areas, they are given a vaccine, which is a potential trauma and a potential poison to the system. All of the components of the vaccine are foreign substances… The vaccine often causes a low-grade encephalitis, an actual brain irritation.” There is extensive information on this topic and, sadly, countless stories parents are telling.
As part of the overall nutrient, detoxification and dietary program we administer, often we will include Dimethylglycine, a non-protein amino acid, in combination with other nutrients for assimilation. This can assist in opening brain pathways for speech. Many children do respond to this to varying degrees, but if there is no progress we will then suggest Trimethylglicine for the same purpose.
Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis
Thimerosol is not the only vaccine-related hazard. The vaccine schedule is so crowded that doctors are combining numerous viruses in one vaccine, as well as the many other toxic ingredients in vaccines. While there are extensive studies on dangers posed, here is one brief quote from, VACCINES, ARE THEY REALLY SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, by Neil Miller: “The diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines are usually combined into a single formula (DTP or DTaP). Components of this triple shot are ‘stabilized’ using formaldehyde – a known carcinogen. Each dose also contains thimerosol—a derivative of mercury—and aluminum potassium sulfate. Mercury and aluminum are toxic to humans.”
Neil Miller also writes these statistics:
- Only 30% of the doctors and nurses in the United States get flu shots.
- Do doctors think the Hepatitis vaccine is necessary? Only 13% say “yes.”
- Do doctors report vaccine reactions? Miller’s studies show that 18% do not.
Non-Invasive Testing Method
Blending Ancient Tradition With Modern Technology
In our clinic, one of the main types of testing we use is “Electro-Dermal Screening.” This non-invasive form of testing (no needles or puncturing of skin) is based in the acupuncture meridian system. The approach is literally centuries old. The instrument used to document findings is more modern, having been created in Germany by Dr. Reinhold Voll, in 1954. Since then it has been advanced greatly and has been computerized, being used now extensively in many countries throughout the world. So we are blending ancient tradition with modern technology. By “screening” the organs and systems using minute electrical stimulation (similar to an EKG), we can determine energetic levels of toxicity, organ function, metabolic and neurotransmitter imbalances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and locate exact underlying toxins. Natural homeopathic and herbal formulations, as well as specific pharmaceutical grade vitamin, mineral and enzyme nutrients are tested to create a personalized program, and are available for the re-balancing and cleansing of the body. Nutrition and lifestyle enhancements are also addressed. The nutrients are child friendly – sometimes drops under the tongue, and/or chewables.
Some Underlying Contributors Common to Autism
Some of the chronic underlying contributors commonly found can be any combination of the following:
Infant vaccinations (DPT, MMR and others).
Excessive yeast often stemming from antibiotic treatment for repeated ear or other infections. If there is underlying metal toxicity in the system, yeast often develops in order to protect the organs and nervous system from the damage metals can cause. Yeast overgrowth releases toxins that can slow brain function down.
Metal Toxicity: elevated levels of heavy metals can impair brain or nervous system function. Metals can be ingested from a variety of sources. One common source is vaccinations in which thimerosol (methyl mercury) was used as a preservative for many years. A less significant source can come from amalgams (silver fillings) in the pregnant mother’s mouth. Metal toxins from amalgams (an amalgamation of 5 dissimilar toxic metals) can cross the placenta barrier and be absorbed by the fetus.
Neurotransmitter Imbalances
Unusual blood flow patterns in the brain
Nutritional Deficiencies: some of the children are very particular about what they will eat. If there is overgrowth of yeast in the intestines, nutrient absorption is blocked in an already digestive-challenged system (85% of our nutrients are absorbed through the small intestines.)
Digestive Enzyme Deficiencies: This is revealed in pancreatic, liver and intestinal function primarily, but can be substantially improved or corrected with the appropriate combination of digestive enzymes or alkaline salts, diet, and re-culturing the intestines. Many children benefit from a gluten free, casein free diet.
Food Allergies: These often originate from a porous lining of the intestines through which food particles escape, causing antibodies to form.
Acidic blood, rather than alkaline
Other toxins such as pesticides, environmental pollutants, and more.
Clean Food Grows a Healthy Body
Supplying your child with sufficient nutrients is crucial for healthy mental, emotional and physical function. This is especially true while a child is growing their body. It is also vital to avoid processed foods toxic with pesticides, herbicides, dyes, and chemicals. Most parents are unaware of the serious damage to essential organs caused by these neurotoxins, and many famous fast food chains deliberately target their marketing to children beginning at age 2 ½.
Healthful eating habits may prove to be a learning process for families presently unaware of the severe effects on health caused by neurotoxins. My approach is to assist each child and family with the next step(s) they can take, and at the pace they can be taken. I believe there is a kernel of gold in the hearts of each of these children, and it continues to be my privilege to work with them.
By Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
Over 60 years ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved use of thimerosal as a preservative. Thimerosal has been used to prevent bacterial contamination in blood and biological products, including vaccines, immune globulins, and over-the-counter eye and nose drops. In the 1930’s, there was little known about the product. Sadly, millions of children and families may now be paying serious prices for the effects of this little known product. Although laws have now changed, prohibiting thimerosal in vaccines, many clinics and offices may still have an old supply containing thimerosal. You, as the patient, will have no way of knowing for sure without literally reading the labels on the original box.
The danger of thimerosal is that it contains 49.5 percent ethyl mercury by weight. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin, known to cause many serious health problems. This is especially true in a developing fetal or infant brain. Although research continues, mercury poisoning is finally being considered as a possible catalyst to the frightening rise in autism from 1 in 10,000 in 1985 to 1 in 250 in 2003.
Parents are told that the amount of mercury given to infants in vaccines is a “trace amount,” with nothing to worry about. I see otherwise weekly in my practice! The November 2002 issue of Mothering magazine states, “Twelve and a half micrograms of ethyl mercury taken in at birth is 25 times the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) “safe level.”” The suggested vaccination schedule routinely exposes infants to anywhere from 0.0 to 187.5 mcg of ethyl mercury, depending on the manufacturer. Total exposure over 18 months could be as high as 237.5 mcg. The EPA’s “safe level” is 0.1 mcg per kilogram per day. However, this “safe level” averages an infant’s total mercury exposure over six months, as though there were low exposures daily. The effect of a large dose, as in some vaccines, is more detrimental than if it were ingested in small amounts over an extended period.
Balancing Underlying Contributing Causes
Blending Ancient Tradition With Modern Technology
By Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
This article comes to you because of the heartwarming changes I continue witnessing in children with Autistic Spectrum, ADD, ADHD and/or undiagnosed developmental delays that I’ve had the privilege of working with.
While symptoms of autism are primarily seen in behavioral & learning abilities or inabilities, there can be graphic positive changes in these areas by improving the physical health of the child. There is often a hereditary predisposition to Autism or developmental delays which can be triggered by a sufficient neurotoxic loading from environmental and other sources. When these specific triggers (many listed below) are identified through tests, and removed, we repeatedly see improvement in the child’s learning ability, speech, social skills, immune system function and overall physical and emotional health.
Most autistic children have sadly experienced much fear & invasion in health practitioners’ offices, and seldom are treated like the beautiful Beings they are. So it is understandable that they would tense in fear, anticipating being pricked or having to ingest medications that may have challenging side effects. However, it is very possible, as we have witnessed, for the children to enjoy returning for health-care appointments. This is made probable when they are in an atmosphere of support & fun, when their whole lives and family situation is seen as an integral part of the picture, and when they are able to be tested non-invasively without pain associated. Lastly, when they begin to feel better, this adds creative momentum to the process.
Testing Methods
In our clinic we use a type of testing called “Electro-Dermal Screening.” This is a non-invasive form of testing, meaning there are no needles or puncturing of skin. Based in the acupuncture meridian system the approach is literally centuries old. The instrument used to document findings is more modern, having been created in Germany by Dr. Reinhold Voll, & used since 1954. Since then it has been advanced greatly and computerized. So we are blending ancient tradition with modern technology. By “screening” the organs and systems, we can determine energetic Levels of Toxicity, Organ Function, Metabolic and Neurotransmitter Imbalances, Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies, locate exact underlying toxins, and Body/Emotional relationships. Natural homeopathic & herbal formulations, as well as specific vitamin, mineral and enzyme nutrients are tested to create a personalized program, and are available for the re-balancing and cleansing of the body. Dietary and lifestyle changes or enhancements are also addressed. The nutrients, are easy to take – sometimes drops under the tongue, and/or chewables that most of the children have no difficulty ingesting.
Other testing methods we incorporate as needed, particularly if there are therapy-resistant symptoms we are faced with, are urine, stool, serum, and saliva panels to further determine intestinal microbial irritants, or elevated or depressed secretions in various endocrine feedback loops. Again, once the needed information is available, we address the root causes to promote healing.
Some Underlying Contributors Common to Autism
Some of the chronic underlying contributors commonly found can be any combination of the following:
- Infant vaccinations (DPT, MMR and others). Refer to separate article in “developmental delay” section.
- Excessive Yeast: often stemming from antibiotic treatment for repeated ear or other infections. Yeast overgrowth also develops if there is metal toxicity in the system in order to protect the body from the damage metals can cause to the intestines, nervous system, etc. An overgrowth of yeast releases toxins that can slow brain function down.
- Metal Toxicity: elevated levels of heavy metals can impair brain or nervous system function. Metals can be ingested from a variety of sources. One common source with babies is from mercury amalgams in the pregnant mother’s mouth. Metal toxins from amalgams (an amalgamation of 5 dissimilar toxic metals) can cross the placenta barrier and be absorbed by the fetus. Another common source is from the vaccinations in which thimerosal (methyl mercury) is used as a preservative.
- Neurotransmitter Imbalances.
- Unusual blood flow patterns in the brain.
- Nutritional Deficiencies: some of the children are very particular about what they will ingest. If there is overgrowth of yeast in the intestines, nutrient absorption is blocked in an already digestive-challenged system (85% of our nutrients are absorbed through the small intestines.)
- Digestive Enzyme Deficiencies: This is revealed in pancreatic, liver and intestinal function primarily, but can be substantially improved or corrected with the appropriate combination of digestive enzymes or alkaline salts, diet, and re-culturing the intestines. Many children benefit from a gluten free, casein free diet.
- Food Allergies.
- Acidic blood, rather than alkaline.
- Other toxins such as pesticides, environmental pollutants, and more.
Alternative Ways To Vaccinate Your Children
By, Dr. Janine Romaner, ND
I have written extensively on the hazards of mercury toxicity and vaccines relative to developmental delays, and will do so again. But for now the main purpose of writing is to offer safe alternatives to conventional vaccines. A little background first for new readers, however.
The incidence of developmental delays, Autism, ADD and ADHD has increased to epidemic proportions. As one example, in the US alone Autism cases have exploded from 1 in 10,000 in 1985 to approximately 1 in 60 today. One of the recognized “triggers” to a child with the genetic potential for developmental delays is vaccines. Over 60 years ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved use of thimerosal as a preservative. Thimerosal has been used to prevent bacterial contamination in blood and biological products, including vaccines, immune globulins, and over-the-counter eye and nose drops. In the 1930’s, there was little known about the product. Sadly, millions of children and families may now be paying serious prices for the effects of this little known product.
The danger of thimerosal is that it contains 49.5 percent ethyl mercury by weight. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin, known to cause many serious health problems. This is especially true in a developing fetal or infant brain. Mercury poisoning is finally being considered as a possible catalyst to the frightening rise in developmental delays.
Thimerosal, however, is not the only challenge our babies must cope with when being vaccinated. Receiving multiple viruses at one time is often too stressful for their vulnerable, little bodies without developed immune systems, and especially if there was any birth trauma causing low-grade brain irritability. As an example, the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine seems especially problematic for children susceptible to autism. The MMR vaccine does not contain mercury. However, at 15 to 18 months, when children get the MMR vaccine is also when they experience maximum cranial growth, especially in the speech areas. The vaccine is a potential trauma and poison to the system. All the ingredients of the vaccine are foreign substances, which can invite problems. It often causes a low-grade encephalitis, an actual brain irritation. If enough toxic assaults have been experienced (such as hepatitis B, MMR, mercury toxicity, etc.) combined with cranial fossa compression from the birth process, these children may stop talking, will no longer be in developmental sync with their peers, and may even regress.
According to the National Vaccine Information Center, in 1999 the average American child received the following vaccinations:
- Hep B: at birth or at 12 hours of age, and again at 1 month
- DPT or DtaP, Hib, and OPV or IPV: at 2 and 4 months
- DPT or DtaP, Hib, OPV or IPV, and Hep B: at 6 months
- Live variecella: at 12 to 18 months
- MMR and Hib: at 15 to 18 months
- DPT or DtaP and OPV or IPV: at 18 months
- DPT or DtaP, MMR, OPV or IPV: between 4 and 6 years
This adds up to 33 doses of 10 different viral and bacterial vaccines by the time the child is five years old! It also reveals extensive exposure to the severe neurotoxin, ethyl mercury. Shortly after birth the baby receives the hepatitis B vaccine containing 12 mcg of mercury (30 times the official safe level), at 4 months the infant receives a total of 50 mcg of mercury (60 times the safe level) in the DtaP and HiB vaccines, and at 6 months the Hep B and polio vaccines assault the baby with 62.5 mcg of mercury (78 times the safe level)!!!
So, What are the Safe Alternatives?
There are a few possible alternate routes for vaccinations. I like offering my patients the options I see in order to allow them to choose what approach they are most comfortable with. Firstly, I suggest reading to educate yourself on homeopathic vaccinations if you are not familiar with them. Lack of awareness can lead to discomfort and, in this case, may rule out an excellent option.
Singular Viruses/Thimerosal Free
If you believe strongly in the view that injecting your child with a small amount of each virus is necessary to build up antibodies, here is what I would suggest. Firstly, request that your child receive vaccines free of thimerosal. This is crucial, in my view, but incomplete because of problems that can arise from multiple viruses injected.
In addition to thimerosal free, request singular viral or bacterial injections. Begin the vaccination schedule later than is conventional. When you begin may depend on lifestyle factors, what your baby might be exposed to, whether or not you have an older child coming home from school with snuffles, etc. Excluding extenuating circumstances, I would begin this vaccine protocol no earlier than at one year old. Space injections out with at least three weeks in between. You can prepare your child’s body to handle the viral impact by giving him/her vitamin C and Bs prior. A breast-fed baby has the advantage of colostrum for immune function, so if your baby has not been breast-fed or simply needs an immune system boost, add colostrum to the program. Amounts vary according to age and weight.
The Hepatitis B vaccine is an exception, in my view. Even alone it can have serious consequences. Thus the public outcry about the CDC policy of universal vaccination at birth. Author Stephanie Marohn, in THE NATURAL MEDICINE GUIDE TO AUTISM says, “The policy is absurd, given that the avenues of contracting Hepatitis B are, aside from being born to an infected mother, all far in the future for a new baby. Hepatitis B is spread by direct contact with infected bodily fluids…” I would not permit my newborn to be injected with Hepatitis B.
Homeopathic Nosodes: A Safe Approach
Many homeopathic or naturopathic doctors have found homeopathic nosodes to be a safe way to vaccinate. Nosodes can prevent the childhood illnesses many parents fear, while avoiding serious side effects that viral vaccines can cause. They are safe to administer at any age. Nosodes are derived from the causative agent of a disease, but have no biochemical trace of the disease. For example, the measles nosode is a dilution of the measles virus, the MMR nosode is a dilution of the MMR vaccine, and the Pertussis nosode is a dilution of the whooping cough virus. The nosode contains only the energetic imprint of the pathogen, and therefore will not produce the serious side effects that can occur with conventional vaccines. The homeopathic vaccination is usually taken by drops under the tongue on a repeated schedule (varies with child’s age), along with an additional homeopathic drainage remedy.
Isaac Golden, PhD, Di.Hom, ND is a well-known Australian homeopath and author of VACCINATION? A REVIEW OF RISKS AND ALTERNATIVES. He, and many other doctors, has used nosodes prophylactically with over 1,000 children. He says, “While homeopathic remedies have been used as safe and effective prophylactics for 200 years, attacks on homeopathy by some advocates of pharmaceutical medicine have left some parents unsure as to the effectiveness of the homeopathic alternative.”
Please do sufficient research to be sure your child is safe from the misfortunes many families suffer from today. Ask questions until you are satisfied. And don’t be afraid to make uncommon requests to ensure your child’s safety.